Community Benefits for CIP Generating Station Project Hawaiian Electric proposed a Community Benefits package as part of its overall plan to develop its Campbell Industrial Park (CIP) Generating Station Project. The CIP generator, which will run on biofuels, will add approximately 110 megawatts (MW) of peaking generating capacity on Hawaiian Electric's system in order to meet the existing demand and forecasted future system load growth on the island of Oahu . The Community Benefits package was the culmination of a long process that included discussions with community advocates and leaders from areas potentially impacted by the new unit. Beginning in the summer of 2004, Hawaiian Electric began discussing plans for the new unit with neighboring communities. Meetings with individuals and various community and business groups focused on describing the energy situation on Oahu and what it would take to meet Oahu's energy needs. These meetings also provided an opportunity for the community advocates and leaders to provide input about what community benefits were most important and appropriate for the affected communities. As a result of these community meetings and dialogue and filings with the Public Utilities Commission, a set of Community Benefits was approved. The Community Benefits package consists of:
This website was developed to share the Air Quality Monitoring information we are gathering as part of this community benefits package. |